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Study in Ireland

BA in Photographic Media

Description 介绍

Entry Requirement 入学要求

STPM 2.0/4.0
Foundation 2.0/4.0
UEC 5Cs (including English B3)

School Of Academic/ Faculty 主修学院

Journalism & Media Communications

Total Estimated Fee 预计费用总额


Scholarships 奖学金

Careers Prospects 发展领域

freelance practice, wedding and PR photography, sports photography, photojournalism, curation, publishing, exhibiting, research and picture editing among other visual media-related careers. Our graduates' photographic work can regularly be seen on well-known clothing, sport and product websites, Hotpress Music Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, Cara Magazine, RSVP, UK and Ireland weekend editorial supplements, sports and press agencies; Photocall, Inpho and Sportsfile and many run their own free lance businesses and run studios.