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Monash University Malaysia

Bachelor of Arts & Social Sciences

Description 介绍

Entry Requirement 入学要求

Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY)
Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB Diploma)
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)
Program Matrikulasi Malaysia
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
Foundation/ Diploma - Qualifications in the relevant fields

For more information, please refer to

School Of Academic/ Faculty 主修学院

School of Arts and Social Sciences

Total Estimated Fee 预计费用总额

In 2021, annual tuition fees for this course are:RM37,132 for Malaysian students , RM42,446 for international students.

Scholarships 奖学金

Please refer to

Careers Prospects 发展领域

Graduates from the Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences work in areas such as:

Journalism, publishing, editing, writing, electronic media, public relations, corporate communications, non-governmental organisations around the world
Marketing, advertising, business research and analysis
Management consulting, international trade, human resources, training and development, management and administration
Diplomacy, foreign affairs, politics
Tourism, hospitality, entertainment
Production, direction, management and administration, film, television and video