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Study in Ireland

BSc (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Description 介绍

Entry Requirement 入学要求

Foundation CGPA 2.5/4.0
STPM CGPA 2.5/4.0
UEC 5 Subjects in B5 (including english and Math)

School Of Academic/ Faculty 主修学院

School of Engineering

Total Estimated Fee 预计费用总额


Scholarships 奖学金

Careers Prospects 发展领域

Career opportunities for Architectural Technology graduates are excellent. Typically employers include architectural firms, public and private bodies, planning departments and local authorities, private construction firms and material manufacturers. The architectural technologist is a key member of the design team and collaborates closely with the architect to provide objective technical advice. Demand from local, national and international companies is exceeding current supply of suitably qualified graduates.