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Study in Ireland

BSc (Hons) in Sustainable Agriculture/Agri-Food Production

Description 介绍

Entry Requirement 入学要求

Foundation CGPA 2.5/4.0
STPM CGPA 2.5/4.0
UEC 5 Subjects in B5 (including english and Math)

School Of Academic/ Faculty 主修学院

School of Health & Science

Total Estimated Fee 预计费用总额


Scholarships 奖学金

Careers Prospects 发展领域

Agricultural Advisor with consultancy or state body;
A commercial farmer or Farm Manager;
Technical Sales Role;
Analytical or Research Scientist in the Agri-Environmental Management Sector;
Quality Manager or Production Supervisor in the Food
Industry Rural Entrepreneur
Manufacturing - Food or Beverages;
Auditors or inspectors in the Agri-Food sector;
Rural entrepreneurs (e.g. artisan food products, etc.);
Production Supervisors and analysts in the Food Processing Sector;
Quality Management / Quality Assurance roles in the Agri-Food industry;
Food product development scientists.