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The International Medical University (IMU)

Health Informatics and Analytics

Description 介绍

Entry Requirement 入学要求

A bachelor degree or equivalent with minimum CGPA of 2.50 as accepted by the HEP Senate; or A bachelor degree or equivalent with CGPA of less than 2.50 and a minimum of 5 years working experience.

School Of Academic/ Faculty 主修学院

School of Postgraduate Studies

Total Estimated Fee 预计费用总额

Postgraduate Certificate RM 20,000 (Malaysian) RM 25,000 (International)
Postgraduate Diploma RM 30,000 (Malaysian) RM 37,500 (International)
Master RM 40,000 (Malaysian) RM 50,000 (International)

Scholarships 奖学金


Careers Prospects 发展领域